Thursday, December 19, 2019

An Introduction to Drag Racing

Craig Gualtiere is the owner of the Amarillo, Texas-based coffee shop Roasters Coffee and Tea, which he purchased in 1998. In his free time, Craig Gualtiere enjoys drag racing as part of the National Hot Rod Association.

In drag racing, automobiles or motorcycles race on straight, short tracks of typically 400 to 800 meters, or approximately a quarter mile to half a mile. The competition consists of a pair of vehicles speeding side by side. They start from a dead stop and reach high speeds. The winner is the first racer who passes the end of the official track.

A drag racing event consists of several completed races named heats. The winner of a heat will proceed to the next heat until he or she is eliminated. At the end of the drag racing event, a final competition takes place between the two best drivers, and the winner of the event is decided.